After studies in Königsberg, served as minister in Ober- and Niederbartau (today Barta and Nica in Latvia) from 1710.
"Nachrichten über die Familie von Boetticher", Nr. 3.
Merchant in Goldingen (today Kuldiga in Latvia), 1755 member of the city council, 1761 burgomaster.
"Nachrichten über die Familie von Boetticher", Nr. 11.
After studies in Königsberg, became secretary of the Chief Captain's Court (Oberhauptmannsgericht) in Tuckum (today today Tukums in Latvia).
"Nachrichten über die Familie von Boetticher", Nr. 16.
Merchant in Goldingen (today Kuldiga in Latvia), 1781 member of the city council, 1797 burgomaster. A commemorative tablet in the local church celebrating the turn of the century of 1800/1801 still reminds of his tenure.
"Nachrichten über die Familie von Boetticher", Nr. 20.
After studies in Jena, served on the Imperial College of Justice in St. Petersburg, followed by a military career in Russia, became lieutenant-general and secret councillor.
"Nachrichten über die Familie von Boetticher", Nr. 31;
Deutsch-baltisches Biographisches Lexikon, 1970. S. 87.
Merchant, in Riga since 1805, temporarily Dockmann (representative) of the Great Guild and on the city council, acquired the manor (Gut) of Ebelshof (Ebelmuiza) near Riga in 1830, in 1848 the manors (Rittergut) of Pommusch (Pomusa) and Ardsen (Ardze) near Bauske (today Bauska in Latvia); set up a family endowment in 1839.
"Nachrichten über die Familie von Boetticher", Nr. 38.
After studies in Dorpat, acquired the manor (Rittergut) of Kuckschen (today Kuksas in Latvia) in 1821, devoted himself more and more to linguistic and anthropological studies lateron.
"Nachrichten über die Familie von Boetticher", Nr. 43.
After formal training as an engineer with the Russian military in St. Petersburg superintendent of several canal building and river regulation works, constructor of the new harbor of Riga, at last elevated to the rank of secret councillor, a Riga city steamer was named "Geheimrat Alexander von Boetticher" in his honor.
"Nachrichten über die Familie von Boetticher", Nr. 48;
Deutsch-baltisches Biographisches Lexikon, 1970. S. 86.
After studies in Dorpat and Königsberg, lawyer at the Courland Court of Justice (Hofgericht) in Mitau, later at the Livonian Court of Justice in Riga, councillor of state, co-founder and temporarily editor of the "Baltische Monatsschrift", champion of liberal positions against the entrenched interests of the gentry.
"Nachrichten über die Familie von Boetticher", Nr. 56;
Deutsch-baltisches Biographisches Lexikon, 1970. S. 88.
After studies in Dorpat, established a publishing house in Dresden, which was later enlarged by addition of an arts dealership. As the result of his lifelong research in the field of art history, there appeared in 1891 and 1901 his magnum opus "Malerwerke des 19. Jahrhunderts".
"Nachrichten über die Familie von Boetticher", Nr. 76;
Deutsch-baltisches Biographisches Lexikon, 1970, S. 87.
After learning the farmers' trade in Germany, he acquired in 1859 the manor (Rittergut) of Groß-Spirgen (today Spirgus in Latvia), which he modernized over the course of 40 years, in addition he bought in 1882 the manor of Dsernowitz in the Russian Gouvernement (district) of Vitebsk (today Byelorussia).
"Nachrichten über die Familie von Boetticher", Nr. 79.
After studies in Dorpat, Heidelberg and Berlin, from 1868 city councillor, from 1881 burgomaster of Riga, influental in the restoration of Riga Cathedral, to which a memorial plaque in the canons' choir bears witness to this day, first chairman of the Family Association, founded in 1906.
"Nachrichten über die Familie von Boetticher", Nr. 83;
Deutsch-baltisches Biographisches Lexikon, 1970, S. 86/87.
was married in Kuckschen in 1842 to August von Bilderling, with whom she is here pictured. The photo was made by Bernardo von Bildesling from Buenos Aires.
"Nachrichten über die Familie von Boetticher", Nr. 85.
After studies in Heidelberg and Berlin, took over administration of his father's manor of Kuckschen (today Kuksas in Latvia) in 1868, 1882 admission to the Courland Knights' Roll (Ritterschaft), many publications on agricultural topics, since 1905 in Riga, 1907-1914 chairman of the Family Association.
"Nachrichten über die Familie von Boetticher", Nr. 90.
After his training in St. Petersburg Johann (1816-1849) became captain with the Engineers' Corps for Road Construction in Irkutsk (Siberia), where he married and died. This oil-painting of his widow Maria née Trapetsnikova (1821-1854) and his daughter Olga (born 1846), which can still be seen today in Irkutsk, was done by the Decabrist N. Bestuzhev, who was exiled there.
I. S. Zil'berštein: Chudožnik dekabrist Nikolaj Bestužev, Moskau 1977, S. 500;
"Nachrichten über die Familie von Boetticher", Nr. 50 und 98.
After studies in Würzburg, Marburg and Jena, M. D. in Saxonia, published many treatises on the history of Upper Lusatia, between 1912 and 1923 appeared his life achievement "Geschichte des Oberlausitzer Adels und seiner Güter 1635-1815", 1904 registration in the Saxonian Nobility Roll.
"Nachrichten über die Familie von Boetticher", Nr. 122.
After studies in Dorpat and further education in Germany and Moscow he worked with the D. A.'s office in several Russian gouvernements (districts), since 1897 in the Department of Justice in St. Petersburg, secret councillor, in 1912 acquired the manor (Rittergut) of Kussen in Livonia (today Kusa in Latvia), 1919-1930 participated in the organization of the Latvian administration of justice, in 1934 acquired the remains of the manor (Restgut) Kuckschen (todayKujsas in Latvia), 1919-1937 chairman of the Family Association.
"Nachrichten über die Familie von Boetticher", Nr. 131;
Deutsch-baltisches Biographisches Lexikon, 1970, S. 88.
After studies in Halle and occupation on several agricultural estates in Courland, he took over his father's manor (Gut) of Groß-Spirgen (today Spirgus in Latvia) in 1906, was entered into the Courland Knights' Roll (Ritterschaft) in 1909, since 1920 running of the remains of the manor.
"Nachrichten über die Familie von Boetticher", Nr. 132.
After studies in Dorpat and further education in Germany, worked as a ship's doctor and army surgeon, since 1908 owner and manager of the sanitarium "Marienbad" in Majorenhof (today Marienbad in Majori/Jurmala).
"Nachrichten über die Familie von Boetticher", Nr. 134.
Military career since 1900, 1933-1941 military attaché in Washington and Mexico, author of several treatises mainly on General-Fieldmarshall count Schlieffen and Frederick the Great, 1949-1959 chairman of the Family Association.
"Nachrichten über die Familie von Boetticher", Nr. 178.
Since 1908 in Southwest Africa/Namibia, 1911 and after expropriation in WWI again in 1928 acquisition of the farm Klein-Otjahevita.
"Nachrichten über die Familie von Boetticher", Nr. 180.
Volunteer in the Baltic Territorial Defense Forces (Baltische Landeswehr), after studies in Riga and Gdansk farmer, administrator of the remaining manor (Restgut) of Groß-Spirgen (today Spirgus in Latvia), after WWII at first trucking contractor in Laatzen, later municipal employee in Laatzen and Hanover, 1947-1982 treasurer, thereafter honorary chairman of the Family Association.
"Nachrichten über die Familie von Boetticher", Nr. 188.
After studies in Riga, farmer, after WWII at first trucking contractor in Laatzen, emigrated to Canada together with his family in 1951, died in Toronto.
"Nachrichten über die Familie von Boetticher", Nr. 196.
After studies in Riga and Leipzig, minister in Kandau (Kandava) in Latvia, after WWII near and in Hanover, 1959-1982 chairman, thereafter honorary chairman of the Family Association.
"Nachrichten über die Familie von Boetticher", Nr. 202.
After studying agriculture, worked in executive function for the Reich Labor Force (Reichsarbeitsdienst), after WWII translator for English, French and Russian. Edited the 8th series of the "Nachrichten".
"Nachrichten über die Familie von Boetticher", Nr. 217.
Nikolaus (ca 1650-1692)
Migrated to Courland after his studies in Erfurt. Served as minister in Blieden (today Blidene in Latvia).
"Nachrichten über die Familie von Boetticher", Nr. 1.